Stereolab - Switched On Volumes 1-5
1. Doubt
2. Au Grand Jour’
3. Brittle
4. Au Grand Jour
5. The Light That Will Cease To Fail
6. Changer
7. Harmonium
8. Lo Boob Oscillator
9. Mountain
10. Revox
11. French Disko
12. Exploding Head Movie
13. Eloge D’Eros
14. Tone Burst [Country]
15. "Animal Or Vegetable [A Wonderful Wooden Reason...]" [Crumb Duck]
16. John Cage Bubblegum
17. Sadistic
18. Farfisa
19. Tempter
20. Pop Quiz
21. The Extension Trip
22. How To Play Your Internal Organs Overnight
23. The Brush Descends The Length
24. Melochord Seventy-Five
25. Space Moment
26. Iron Man
27. The Long Hair Of Death
28. You Used To Call Me Sadness
29. New Orthophony
30. Speedy Car
31. Golden Atoms
32. Ulan Bator
33. One Small Step
34. One Note Samba / Surfboard
35. Cadriopo
36. Klang Tone
37. Get Carter
38. 1000 Miles An Hour
39. Percolations [John McEntire Remix]
40. Seeperbold
41. Check And Double Check
42. Munich Madness
43. Metronomic Underground (Wagon Christ Mix)
44. The Incredible He Woman
45. Outer Bongolia
46. Intervals
47. Barock-Plastic
48. Nomus Et Phusis
49. I Feel The Air Of Another Planet
50. Household Names
51. Retrograde Mirror Form
52. Solar Throw-Away (Original version)
53. Pandora’s Box Of Worms
54. L’exotisme Interieur
55. The Super It
56. Jump Drive Shut-Out
57. Explosante Fixe
58. Fried Monkey Eggs [Instrumental version]
59. Monkey Jelly
60. B.U.A
61. Free Witch and No Bra Queen
62. Heavy Denim Loop Pt 2
63. Variation One
64. Monkey Jelly [Beats]
65. Dimension M2
66. Solar Throw-Away
67. Calimero
68. Fried Monkey Eggs [Vocal]
69. Speck Voice
70. Stereolab & Nurse With Wound - Simple Headphone Mind
71. Stereolab & Nurse With Wound - Trippin’ With The Birds
72. Robot Riot
73. Spool Of Collusion (Remastered)
74. Symbolic Logic Of Now !
75. Forensic Itch (Remastered)
76. ABC
77. Magne-Music (Remastered)
78. Blaue Milch
79. Yes Sir ! I Can Moogie
80. Plastic Mile (Original Version)
81. Refractions In The Plastic Pulse [Feebate Mix] - Autechre Remix
82. Unity Purity Occasional
83. The Nth Degrees (Remastered)
85. Cybele’s Reverie [Live at the Hollywood Bowl]
Sortie le : 29 mars 2024
Nous vous annoncions en avril dernier le hiatus indéterminé de Stereolab, censé permettre à ses membres de se consacrer pleinement à leurs différents projets. Eh bien le premier album à résulter de cette décision sera celui de la française Laetitia Sadier, co-fondatrice du groupe avec l’anglais Tim Gane il y a tout juste 20 ans et qui livrera à cette (...)
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