Fábio Caramuru - Dó Ré Mi Fon Fon

1. March, Soldier !
2. Gone to Itororó
3. Little dog
4. The cockroach
5. The canoe
6. Crab
7. Pass, pass, hawk
8. At this street
9. The carnation and the rose
10. Fall, fall, balloon
11. Small foot
12. Sad frog
13. The poor and the rich
14. Small melon chapel
15. Samba-lelê
16. The black face ox
17. Teresinha de Jesus
18. My little rooster
19. The alive fish
20. The washerwomen
21. I threw a stick on the cat
22. Bam-ba-lalão
23. I entered the dance wheel
24. Jo’s slaves
25. Ciranda, cirandinha
26. The daisy
27. Little sheep, big sheep

2017 - Flau

Sortie le : 18 août 2017

Disques - 19.08.2017 par RabbitInYourHeadlights